(Quote) Truth

“What is the truth?  It is such a deep, compelling desire that when it is there, nothing can stand in its way--not fear, not pain. We all have that impulse, but usually we cover it up. Only those times when we really get into the reality of what’s happening, do we have that sense of truth. With it we have a sense that we’re more real, more there; that reality is more there, that there is something there that is significant, meaningful, somehow life-fulfilling, regardless of whether it’s joyful or painful because it is the truth. Somehow your experience becomes pregnant with something, full of something. There is a fullness, a satisfaction, that doesn’t come any other way. There’s a part of us that is more there. Everything around us seems more real, more concrete, more embodied.

As we get more present in our bodies, in our bellies, we can get closer to our essence which is truth, which is what makes us know what is true, what is false, not from logical deduction, or from the unconscious. You just know. You are close to that subtle sense which is truth. After a while you see that for you, truth is no longer a judgment of certain situations or statements, but has an existence of its own. Essence is truth, then. Then you will know where that satisfaction and joy has been coming from, every time you feel the truth in you, the truth about you in a situation. All this work we do on seeing the truth has been to lead to that truth, the truth of essence."

 By A.H. Almaas


My path to healing


(Poem) The guest house