Renegade Burn 2021

Reflecting on the renegade Burning Man in 2021.  The year burning man was officially canceled. The year that showcased the power of love - When we love something, we make it happen. 

Some 15,000 people had gathered in the middle of nowhere overcoming all challenges (i.e., no infrastructure, the delta, wildfires). We were all completely self organized and leaned into the uncertainty with care, love, and kindness. This made the renegade burn the most epic burn I’ve ever had.  

What made this burn so epic?


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This year, my emerging brand was on point — the loner.  I had been traveling alone for the past twelve months.  I almost went to the playa alone, but ended up joining one other person, my best friend Eddie. He is like brother to me so when I am with him, I am completely myself. So many times, I felt comfortable in venturing out alone, being the loner.  

In the previous five burns, I had always been a part of a camp. I also had my boyfriend with me. And don’t get me wrong, I love my camp! When I was with others, however, I unintentionally turned into this person pleasing and taking care of others.  I was unaware of these patterns back then. It was exhausting.  Also by the fifth burn, I operated out of my Google calendar on the playa. Yes read that again because it is ridiculous and ludicrous: I had a schedule to follow on the playa. My camp work shifts, visiting friends, DJ line ups, interesting lectures…  I thought being organized in this way allowed me to not to miss out on anything, although doing so robbed away the magic of the playa.

This year, there was none of those.  I focused on pleasing myself, flowing with my curiosity, and listening to my heart’s desire.  Not knowing where everyone relieved the pressure to find them. Not knowing where my friends were pushed me to be open to meet strangers. Not having the schedule led me to be present in whatever I was doing for how long it was taking. It was powerful, refreshing, and magical.

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Here are some particularly synchronic moments:

First is meeting Mattan on Saturday sunrise.  Mattan is a talented sound healing facilitator whom I had met in Panama last year. It turned out he was with the same Israeli group that I had just met on the sunrise a day ago.  I admired that entire group and was hoping to meet them again. And the playa made it happen, this time with a flavor of Venao sprinkled on top. They made the time with Diplo even more special. (Yes, what’s up with me and Israelis!)

Second is meeting the Chairman of the Bored. I absolutely loved his energy. He had this embodied presence that was radiating love. Yes his actions were generous — setting up his art car to provide share at Robot Heart, giving out water, and mooping.  But it was his presence that really draw me to him.  When I grow up, I want to be like him.

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Third is meeting this group of beautiful souls who live in an intentional community in Oregon. Although we had just met, we immediately clicked, “vibing” and watching the first drone show, a tribute to Geo, together. The entire time, we flowed so naturally and comfortably that I am going to visit them in October.

Lastly, I also want to talk about that guy who got very aggressive at one of the sunrises at Robot Heart and got down by BLM. I did not interact with him but seeing how he reacted made me think about how our energy is all connected. Whatever the situation he was in, he was spreading his suffering to others. Whatever energy we have, others can feel that energy. It is infectious. Life is like a river. It flows. No need to cling.  As I flow in my river of life, I ride it with joy, love, and harmony. So I spread the sprinkles of joy, love, and harmony to those around me.

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Many “strangers” I met, I got to know who they ARE, not what they DO.  Even though I knew so little about them, we so deeply connected energetically. This beautiful soul, Paul from DC, had that tricycle with a 30ft plus pole. He gave me gallons of water and offered his tricycle to rest. Ash, who was dropping in from Sacramento for one night of partying, kept me company for my first sunrise and shared all the backstories of DJs. Henry from Kamp Kiss offered fresh fruit and cold drinks to chill. They recharged me so I continue on my exploration without having to go back to my RV either in the bone chilling cold at 3am or under the scorching desert sun at 3pm. Perhaps even more importantly, they recharged my heart with their care and love. Thank you.

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Out of six days on the playa, I saw three sunrises at Robot Heart. I insisted to dance until the music stoped. I couldn’t leave before; I was under the spell of musical wonderment. The sound vibration washed over me through and through, caressing every atom of my being, and tickling my heart. By the third sunrise, I would become friends with those regulars at Robot Heart. We all knew each other because we would be dancing for hours next to each other day after day. I loved their energy because that collective energy lifted me up high and put the biggest smile on my face.

Started as a loner, the playa relaxed me into the effortless sense of belonging. Belonging to myself, to the playa, and to those “strangers.”

So what made this burn epic to me?

It is this serendipitous, playful exchange of the energy with everyone around me in the most mysterious, welcoming, and interdependent way because my heart was open to experience it.


“I am fat”


I have a dream