2023: Year of Mastering My Craft
Can you believe I’ve been getting up at 5:30am after five hours of sleep because I am so excited to work? And today is Saturday!
Work to me has three manifestations: coaching, teaching at Hoffman, and writing. I think about my work all the time – when I dance, eat, shit, and sleep. They themselves are closely intertwined; so is my work and life. As my entire being is aligned in this way, my river of life flows effortlessly.
My unconventional path has an unconventional income stream. All my coaching is 100% referral – no ads at all. At times I wonder if I should advertise. I notice that this thought arises from a place of fear. I treat fear as a motivating force to recommit to my unique path. “Serve love, serve awareness, serve my path.” I choose love and do what feels right to me. As a result, my work remains to be completely based on referrals.
What this has taught me so far is this: when I stay devoted to my path from the place of love and commitment, the doors keep opening. Recently, I signed new coaching engagements. What I am earning from these is 10x what I used to charge four years ago. Back then, I felt undeserving: I was even surprised that people were willing to pay me what felt like a lot of money. Today, I feel confident in receiving: I know my value. The income is meaningful, so I do not need to work for some time. However, I am more dedicated to work because my work is not about money. Money is just an energy that flows in and out reflecting my capacity. My work is priceless because it is my expression and contribution to the world.
With this, it is not surprising that my intention for 2023 is grounded in work, and it is “mastering my craft.” Craft is the technique that allows me to convey meaning more powerfully. Craft is the tool that allows me to guide people as they embark on this elusive, mysterious, magical journey of psycho-spiritual healing. The better the craft is, the greater impact it creates. Craft is innately human because it is based on mind and body. I had unknowingly overlooked humanness in the last three years in my pursuit of spiritual exploration. This year, I am harnessing my craft to level up the precise way I use language and body. It is time to invest in this because I am grounded in my spirit. As I am born as a human, I have to as equally grounded in my humanness. Mastering my craft in this way is an opportune process for my own development as I further integrate my humanness and spirituality.
The relationship between spirituality and craft is like the one between carving and a chisel. Carving chips away to shape a beautiful sculpture out of a stone; my spirituality chips away fears to meet the authentic self. Chiseling is the tool to carve that stone into a masterpiece; my craft is the tool to guide people on a psycho-spiritual healing journey so they discover the masterpiece that has already and always existed in themselves.
Carving and chiseling, I practice my craft, gladly and excitedly getting up at the dawn. And this makes me fall back in love with my work again and again. Because life is about love.