Who Am I?
Yesterday, I felt like I was swept in giant waves and got tumbled in them against my will. I know that feeling because I had been lost in that energy many times before. Both figuratively and literally.
I took a deep breath. Because I know that running away is not a solution. So I decided to meditate. I sat for more than an hour. Even after this long sit, something deep inside of me continued to feel heavy.
Then I had enlightening conversations with two wonderful women. They had me ask this self-inquiry question again that I’ve asked many times before:
“Who am I”
I am not my bank account, not my nationality, not the titles I put on such as a coach or a writer.
Underneath all my conditioning and patterns, I am this vast Awareness.
That said, I am still human. And in this humanness, I notice that I have many patterns that I am not even aware of. Wanting to conform to the “societal dream” so I feel belong. What to strive for, how to behave, and what to desire.
Then I realized what I was triggered by.
… It was not about the wealth. It was my BELIEF about what and how wealth “should” be.
… It was not about my work as a “healer.” It was about my BELIEF about what “healer” should do or look like.
Those beliefs are my very patterns. Perhaps rebelling against that that “societal dream” is or conforming to the image that I am taught to belief. As I shed light on my own beliefs, I could feel their grip on me got loose. I started to feel calm and expansive again. I felt free. Freedom is not just about doing whatever I want to do. It is more than that. It is about expressing my authentic self in an unobstructed way.
My work is to undo those patterns one by one so I am in touch with my Awareness. Spirituality is about living my very human life with this Awareness. It is not about living in an ashram in a jungle. It is about doing the dishes or waiting in line at a grocery store with this sense of mindfulness.
Later yesterday, my friend forwarded an email that I sent to him back in 2007:
I was surprised to read this because that 22 year old Aerin knew exactly what she wanted so clearly. Even my love for writing! And then I got swept away and got tumbled by this Matrix-like energy. So I feel belong, loved, and successful by this world I live in.
Today, the 37 year old Aerin has the same dream. With a lot more awareness and commitment to be myself and to live my dream in my own unique, authentic way. My dream to have a balanced life, happy, healthy, hardworking, loving and helping. And I am living that dream now. In my own humanness, I get lost even when I am living my dream. Still affected by the larger energy feeling doubt, embarrassment, and confusion. And that’s ok. I just come back to this Awareness again and again, with the sense of joy, play, and service.